Transfer of Learning: What Is It And Why Is It So Important

Screens are everywhere. In 2015, 83% of all 18 to 49 year olds in the US –the age group most likely to have young children –owned a smartphone. It’s kind of clear that screens have become a daily reality, and at Kokoro Kids, we want to make sure kids use them wisely. But kids are kids, and wisdom comes with age. So it’s us –parents –who need to make sure the time our kids spend in front of the screen is useful. How? (more…)

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Hilarious Things Kids Say (and Sometimes Make a lot of Sense)

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It’s widely known that kids and drunk people never lie. However, kids are funny and drunk people… not so much so. Anywho, we all have suffered experienced the brutal honesty of kids. From a simple “but mum, you are ooooold” to a more sophisticated statement like “boogers are poop from your nose, so I don’t eat them”. So, we’ve surfed the internet, the world wide web, in search some of the funny things kids say, aaaaaand… (more…)

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Thanksgiving: Origin and Traditions Across the US

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Thanksgiving is fun, it basically revolves around food, family and friends. Also, it’s a national public holiday, so it means there’s no school or work or anything to do other than eating and having fun!

And just like we did on Hallowe’en, we want to share with you some more interesting facts about this day! Not without our lovely characters wishing you a happy Thanksgiving before! (more…)

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22 Weird Things Kids Do that We Did But Don’t Understand Now

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Sometimes our kids do stuff we just don’t understand. But hey, just a friendly reminder that we were kids too, and we totally did the same gross/weird things back in the days. We might feel very civilised now, but this wasn’t always the case. So we hope you enjoy this trip back in time list of weird things kids do that you find gross now but you totally did too. (more…)

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